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Free Webinars on Critical Research

February 08, 2019 9:41 AM | Anonymous

Dear WIFLE Members:

In December 2018 WIFLE participated in the Research Summit on Women in Policing.  Women in law enforcement from State, local, federal and international agencies and organizations came together to look at the current state of women in policing and identify where we need to go and the challenges and research gaps affecting women’s participation in the profession. Subsequent to that event, the National Institute of Justice in coordination with the Justice Clearinghouse will present a webinar series entitled Women in Law Enforcement.  

  • June 6, 2019, at 1:00PM EST, The first presentation will be Women in Law Enforcement: Physical Fitness Standards and Testing
    This presentation will review relevant federal case law regarding gender and fitness standards. The US military and federal law enforcement recruit fitness testing policies will be compared to police academy fitness policies used in local, county and state police academies, highlighting rigorously tested models, designed to measure required physical performance levels without producing disparate outcomes.

  • July 24, 2019, at 1:00 PM EST Women in Law Enforcement: Promotion & Assignment. 
    To truly impact the police field, women must attain leadership positions where they can make organizational decisions, affect culture, and inspire future generations. However, in 2013, women made up only 7% of police mid-level management and first line supervisors, and 2.7% of police chiefs in the United States. Due to a lack of research in this area, we have a limited understanding of the barriers and challenges that policewomen face in seeking promotions and navigating the upper ranks of law enforcement. In this webinar, Dr. Natalie Todak will cover existing evidence and promising directions for empirical research on this topic. Lieutenant Rachel Tolber of the Redlands (CA) Police Department will bring life to the evidence by drawing on first-hand experiences gained over the course of a 20-year police career.

    In this webinar, attendees will gain the following information:
  • An up-to-date snapshot of the status of women in leadership positions in U.S. policing
  • The benefits of promoting policewomen to leadership positions
  • The barriers hindering this progress
  • Important directions for future research
  • Suggestions to police agencies for promoting women and improving their experiences in upper-level positions

You may sign up for these FREE Webinars by going to the links below.

Feature Page: Women in Law Enforcement Series

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