Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. Communication, Collaboration, Credibility
WIFLE's published research and publications play a crucial role in advancing the understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing women in law enforcement. Through comprehensive studies, reports, and white papers, WIFLE examines critical issues such as career advancement, retention, and the impact in law enforcement agencies. Their research highlights women's barriers in a traditionally male-dominated field and offers evidence-based recommendations for fostering more inclusive, supportive environments. These publications are essential tools for informing policy changes, guiding organizational practices, and advocating for systemic reforms that promote leadership opportunities for women in federal law enforcement. WIFLE’s commitment to research helps drive meaningful conversations about professionalism, accountability, equal opportunity for advancement, and the future of law enforcement. |
June 2011: Texas A & M Collaboration on the issue Women in Federal Law Enforcement and Promotions
Texas A & M, WIFLE Foundation, Inc.
"Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc." is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization founded in 1999.
Its predecessor was ICWIFLE (Interagency Committee on Women in Federal Law Enforcement) founded by OPM in 1970's.