Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc. |
Read about WIFLE'S Extraordinary Partners
Free Counseling/Legal Consultation up to ½ Hour for WIFLE Members and a Discount on Purchasing. Tony Vergnetti or Eric Impraim at 301.229.2481, EImpraim@fedsprotection.com. |
| ![]() The S. Harman & Associates, Inc. staff has an extensive background in Social Security, Civil Service Retirement, Federal Employees’ Retirement, Worker’s Compensation and a wide variety of human resource issues which impact upon Human Resource Practitioners, Benefit Specialists and Federal employees. Website |
Our Sole Focus Is | FREE Professional Woman’s Magazine Subscription for WIFLE Members! Professional Woman’s Magazine (PWM) Is the premiere resource magazine dedicated to the advancement of multi-cultural diverse women. PWM provides and informs cutting edge concepts and is the link between the qualified students, career & business candidates, educational institutions, corporate America, and the federal government. Subscribe for FREE today! Job Site: https://diversity.com/index.php | World-class preventive care Better prevention means better outcomes, so you can feel your best and do more of what you love. Website |
| Plans through Work ✦ Medicare plans |
Personalized Federal Employee Retirement Training And Counseling |
"Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc." is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization founded in 1999.
Its predecessor was ICWIFLE (Interagency Committee on Women in Federal Law Enforcement) founded by OPM in 1970's.