Join us for a FREE webinar on "International Cooperation on Cybercrime" on January 22, 2015 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm (EST).
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This webinar will address the role of international cooperation in responding to cybercrime. It will discuss the Council of Europe Convention on Cyber Crime (Budapest Convention), the role of the 24/7 Network of National Cybercrime Points of Contact, and role of legal attaches in mutual legal assistance (MLAT). The webinar will also address the strengths and weaknesses of international cooperation through case studies.
Presenter: Dr. Kevin Newmeyer
Currently the Senior Operations Director for the CREATEtm project of the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program, Dr. Newmeyer has successfully held a variety of positions in the military, academia, international civil service, and the private sector. His research focuses on international policy issues in cybersecurity. Along with his Ph.D. in Public Policy from Walden University, Dr. Newmeyer’s educational career is highlighted by his selection as an Olmsted Scholar which enabled him to earn his MA in International Relations from the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid, Spain. He holds additional degrees from Escuela Diplomática of Spain (Diplomado de Estudios Internacionales), George Mason University (MBA), and the US Naval Academy (BS). Dr. Newmeyer is also a fellow at the National Cybersecurity Institute.
This webinar qualifies for 1 CPE credit from IAPP.
For more information, please contact us: