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Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc.

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WIFLE e-News is published quarterly. Editors are Dorene Erhard and Betsy Casey.  Layout, format and design by Webmaster Carol A. Paterick. Please note that the "reverse chronological order" for the Newsletters is to facilitate those who read online via phone because this layout forces the most current issue to display first.  

View June PDF Format

View June Flipbook Format

View March PDF Format

View March Flipbook Format

View December PDF Format

View December Flipbook Format

View September PDF Format

View September Flipbook Format

View June  PDF Format
View June Flipbook Format

View March PDF Format
View March Flipbook Format

Older Newsletters

WIFLE's first Newsletter was December 2004. The editors were Monica Rocchio and Carol Paterick. Margie Moore was the President and Executive Director.

(c) WIFLE. All Rights Reserved.
WIFLE is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. EIN 54-1951589. 2200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 102, PMB-204, Arlington, VA USA 22201
301-805-2180 |


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